Covid-19 Update

At present, the Practice is open for patients who require emergency dental treatment only.


This will be extended to further groups as restrictions are eased. We have been advised to keep patient visits to the Practice at a minimum.


Therefore if you need advice regarding common dental ailments please follow the link below:


Click here to find out more

Covid-19 Update for M Newland and Associates

If you are unsure if you need a dental appointment please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone.


In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, please be assured that Matthew Newland and The Dental Team are adhering to all advice from Welsh Government, Health Education and Improvement Wales, Public Health Wales and the British Dental Association to provide a safe environment for patients and staff.


The Pandemic is continually being evaluated and therefore policies and procedures may change over time. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all patients for their patience, cooperation and understanding during this period.


We will continue to provide dental care in the safest environment possible. The Practice has always maintained the highest levels of infection control and hygiene. Please be assured that all staff will be complying with our updated procedures to ensure that this continues.


In addition to this we will also:


Keep the Practice door closed. Please do not come to the Practice if you do not have an appointment.


Ask you to ring the Practice, preferably from your car when you arrive for your appointment.


Carry out a Covid-19 pre attendance assessment via telephone.


Ask any patients who have a continuous cough, who have a high temperature or have a loss or change of sense of taste or smell (or someone in their household has) to self-isolate in accordance with government guidelines.


Ask any patients that are high risk for developing complications from Covid-19 to delay non-essential treatment for as long as possible. If you are high risk and require treatment, we will schedule your appointment for the beginning of the day.


Take payment over the phone prior to your appointment to reduce unnecessary contact. If this is not possible you may pay contactless at Reception.


Stagger appointments so that patients do not enter and exit at the same time and ask that you observe social distancing. We ask that you arrive on time for your appointment. (Late arrivals may be cancelled).


Reduce the number of people in the Practice so we ask you to come alone if possible.


Ask you to please if possible, refrain from using the Practice Toilets. Please ensure you use the toilet before coming to the Practice.


Ask you to clean your teeth before coming to your appointment.


Ask you to hand sanitise on arrival and avoid hand shaking.


Ask you to use a Hydrogen Peroxide mouthwash before you are examined. We will provide this for you in the surgery.


Ensure all non-essential items are removed from the Practice e.g. magazines, leaflets. Please do not bring personal belongings other than your own pen to sign any necessary forms.


Clean door handles and shared surfaces frequently throughout the day.


Ensure that any staff member who also has Covid-19 symptoms stays at home and self-isolates.


Wear the appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) in line with current recommendations.


Make any further appointments by telephone or email to reduce contact in Reception area.


If you have any questions about the above please contact the practice on 01443 223514 or email


Thank you

Matthew Newland